NZWP Board Nominations Open for Clubs and Centres

New Zealand Water Polo has sent correspondence out to all clubs and centres regarding nominations for an Elected Director of the Board. A vacancy became available with the resignation of Dean Bryant last month: we thank Dean for his time and services on the New Zealand Water Polo Board and look forward to his continued contribution to the sport from Wellington. 

In accordance with the constitution section 6.10.3(b) below, nominations are called for the position of an Elected Director as a casual vacancy has occurred.

6.10.3 Whenever any casual vacancy occurs on the Board,

a) of an Appointed Director, the Board shall (subject to Rule 6.10.3 c) below) appoint a person to fill such position who is considered by the Board to have the necessary skills and attributes, and the Board may at its discretion convene the Board of Directors Selection Panel to assist the Board in this process on any terms set by the Board;

b) of an Elected Director, the Board shall (subject to Rule 6.10.3 c) below) appoint a person to fill such position who was an unsuccessful Selection Panel recommended candidate for Elected Director at the most recent Annual Meeting and if there is more than one such person then the person selected from them by the Board, and if there is no such person or no such person willing and able to be appointed then the Board must call for applications and direct that a Postal Ballot be undertaken to elect a person to fill the position and the Board may in its discretion convene the Board of Directors Selection Panel to receive, assess and recommend applicants for the purposes of the Postal Ballot;

c) provided that if the remaining term of the person being replaced under Rule 6.10.3 a) or b) is less than 6 months or it is less than 6 months to the next Annual Meeting then the Board may in its discretion leave the position vacant until the next Annual Meeting.

Water polo in New Zealand needs board members who have the sport close to their heart in order to enhance and grow all regions across New Zealand. Clubs and centres have been asked to forward their nominations to CEO John Payne by 7th of August 2016.


Get Your Entries in for WMG2017!


Auckland Water Polo Entry Records Shattered Across the Board