Referee Workshops
Auckland Water Polo is running 6 Referee Workshops in 2025. The first step to becoming a certified referee, is to complete the free, online ASSISTANT REFEREE course (click here for more info).
2025 Referee Workshop Dates
The workshops are expected to be held at St. Cuthbert’s College, and will run on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Both dates of a workshop must be attended in order to sit the Grade Exam and attain a grade. Referees must do a workshop annually to retain their grade. Registrations into a workshop will be opened a month prior to the commencement of the workshop.
Workshop Registration (registration links will open approximately 4 weeks out from commencement)
A-Grade Development: will be done on a case-by-case basis. Please contact Fabian if you wish to discuss attaining your A-Grade status.
B-Grade Registration: Must be 18 to attain B-Grade status.
C-Grade Registration: Must be 16 to attain C-Grade status.
Local Referee Registration: Must be 14 to attain Local Referee status.
Assistant Referee Development: Online Course, free and open to all. Must be completed prior to further up-grading.
Please note that there are 2 parts to becoming a full Local Referee. The theory test which will be covered at the workshop plus the practical test that will be assessed over 3 games of a suitable standard by one of our senior referees.