Referee Development

Auckland Water Polo is passionate about providing well developed pathways and resources to our referees, who are key members of our sporting community.

Over the past 4 - 5 years Auckland Water Polo has run its own Referee Development program. Rather than have each Club developing its own referees, the 7 Clubs of the Auckland Region have pooled their referees into one group. This allows the region to set one standard across the whole of its training and development program and means the Region can draw from a bigger pool of referees for Regional competitions.
This group works closely with John Waldow and Fabian Wanrooij to ensure that the program is aligned with NZWP standards and requirements.

The Referee Group is led by the Auckland Water Polo Referee Coordinator and a Referee Leadership - some of Auckland’s finest referees.

AWP Referees referee all the Auckland Water Polo League games, club local competitions and have been called on to assist at NZWP National and International events.

Becoming A Referee - AWP Referee Pathway

The below pathway sets out how referees can progress from an Assistant Referee with some basic knowledge of Water Polo through to A-Grade Referee, ready to be nominated to referee at World Aquatic Events. As you progress up the pathway, you will not only be required to attend and pass theory exams but you will also be graded by your senior peers on your ability to referee games.

Through this we aim to improve the standard of referees not only in Auckland but in New Zealand.

Please note that there are also age restrictions on referee progression. Enthusiast of any age can become Assistant Referees, however a Local Referee must be 14 before they can be graded.

When can I start? - AWP Referee 2025 calendar

AWP will run 6 Referee Workshops in 2025 - REFEREE WORKSHOP INFO

Events which AWP assigns referees for:

Term 1, February to April- AWP Senior Open League, College Sport Auckland SNR Sec School Competition, College Sport Auckland JNR One Day Tournaments, Social League (the AWP SNR Open League and College Sport SNR Competition are ideal for referees with a C, B or A Grade. The College Sport JNR ODT is ideal for referees who wish to attain a grade, and Local Referees).

Term 2, April to June- AWP u18 League, Social League (the u18 League is ideal for referees with a C, B or A Grade. The Social League is a great opportunity for Local Referees to referee a senior competition).

Term 3, July to September- AWP u16 League, Social League (the u16 League is ideal for referees with a C or B Grade. The Social League is a great opportunity for Local Referees to referee a senior competition).

Term 4, October to December- Masters’ Splash, AWP u14 League, Fast4 League, Social League (the u14 League is ideal for referees with a Local Ref or C Grade. The Fast4 League is a great opportunity for C and B Grade Referees).

Besides the above AWP Leagues, we also assist NZWP with nominating referees for National events.

If you wish to get started, please contact Fabian via the button below.